I deleted my story about Medium Partner Program India Earnings, which misleads a lot of people.

I don’t want to mislead anyone anymore

Saravanan Marimuthu
2 min readFeb 22, 2024

Recently I published a story about my Medium Partner Program Earnings India, well I did have earnings from my partner program India but I cannot medium cannot pay me to my stripe account.

Though that particular story earned me some pennies and some great followers, It is a shame if I keep the story in my profile just for the sake of money.

I feel that story is misleading.

Please don’t subscribe to Medium member for the sake of joining Partner Program India, It wont work.

You can subscribe if you want to read the member only stories that is up to you.

How did I subscribed?

Currently, I am not living in India and I tired MPP India and it worked. I was able to subscribe and connect to stripe.

Why this Alarm to everyone ?

My earnings are not transferred to my stripe account and whenever I clicked the stripe dashboard I get a 404 error.

So, I raised a ticket to medium..

I mentioned about my account and my stripe account in that ticket. The response was weird, they said I am not enrolled in the partner program as per their system.

I replied to their email with screenshots of my partner program dashboard, they said as per their system there is no enrolment and they are going to believe their system.

Because of this confusion, my enrolment to the partner program is suspended..

My Reaction:

Well, I didn’t earned like a 1000$ with my writing yet, so I don’t feel down regarding this decision on my account.

Instead, I will try to write more in this platform and earn some great followers and I am will also focus on other platforms.

Thats all folks!

Cheers ❤️



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