Just my weird experience

We saw a Bat living with us in our living room

I evicted the Bat from my house finally..

Saravanan Marimuthu
4 min readFeb 12, 2024
Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

We are a family of three, but four days ago we got an uninvited guest to share our living space. We did not notice its presence until it showed up. It was at the evening 7:00 pm, suddenly I noticed a bird like structure flying in the room near to my living room. Then suddenly it swooped into the living space and we noticed that it was a Bat. That moment we had our loud speaker singing out a cocomelon song for my daughter. Immediately I packed my daughter and wife to another room and I took a towel and tried to send it back via the window.

Little I knew is, that was a very bad idea…

Then it went behind the curtain to take some rest.

In the meantime I looked up the internet to get some information about how to get the Bat out of the house. With that info, I turned off speaker, light and opened the window. Then i waved the curtain so that the Bat would get disturbed and started flying and it happened like that. The I was giving a small update about the situation to my wife in the other room which was just 30 seconds. All of a sudden the Bat disappeared. Then I turned on the lights and speaker. I waived the curtains, I checked everywhere inside the room I couldn’t find the Bat. So we concluded that it went out via the window. Then we said to our friends and office colleagues about this and two days went by. It was a Sunday night so we decided to have a pizza for dinner along with a movie. I went down to collect the pizza and slammed the door, when i came up I saw the guy again circling our living room. But it was already 9:00 pm. So I closed the door to my living room and opened the living room windows, hoping that the Bat would go away on its own.

That night I was reading about Bats..

  • Bats are protected organisms as they are decreasing in numbers.
  • They are needed to keep the environment safe from Insects, because they eat insects.
  • Mostly they don’t attack humans unless they’re threatened.
  • They can’t survive without food or water more than 24 hours if they are flying at night.
  • They fly at night and sleep during the day.
  • If they find a way in and way out of your house, they might stay indefinitely.
  • Mostly they hide behind the curtains or under the sofa to not get disturbed.
  • Most importantly they might carry Rabies. If you get attacked it’s best to get shots for Rabies.

I was really worried about the Rabies part and staying indefinitely part. And I couldn’t sleep properly that night.

Next day morning I texted the house owner and I called the pest control. Unfortunately the house owner didn’t respond on time and the pest control company was not available. So I decided to evict the Bat out of my house.

I searched slowly over the curtain, and I saw it was sleeping peacefully. It was on the lower side of curtain so it gave me a good chance to pick it off. I took a glass jar and a cardboard piece along with my wife. We came near the curtain, my wife was slowly opening the curtain and we both were whispering about the plan so that the Bat won’t get disturbed. I put the glass jar over the Bat and the cardboard piece on the other side and then slide it to the end. Finally we got the Bat in the jar. Then I took it to a park nearby and released the Bat into the woods.

Finally we had a breathe that the intruder is out of our property. We then removed all the curtains and washed it all. I checked the whole apartment and I could not find a Bat hole. So I concluded that it entered unknowingly. I have to wait a week at least to check if the Bat is not returning to my place.

Though Bats are not harmful I cannot share my room with them. This was a weird experience for us this year. And I am hoping everything will go well in the future.

If you’re here, Thanks for reading..

Link your weird story as well and get claps from me.

Cheers ❤️



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